Websites where you can download royalty-free Images/Videos/Music-Sound, for free, which you can use in your projects.
1. Unsplash (Images)
2. FreeImages (Images)
3. Pexels (Images/Videos)
4. Pixabay (Images/Videos/Music-Sound)
5. Uxwing (Icons)
6. Mixkit (Videos, Music-Sound)
7. Freesound (Music-Sound)
Websites where you can download free/paid
PLR/MRR/RR E-books/Products.
Read below the definition of PLR/MRR/RR,
​1. PLR Database
5. PLR
7. Plr Mines
9. IDplr
Free Open-Source Code for Programmers
You can download open-source code for free on Github for many different software/games/apps/features.
You can modify and use the code in your own project, different licenses apply to each code, check the license on how you are allowed to use each code.
Definition of PLR ebooks/Products:
Private Label Rights (PLR) digital products help you save time in creating content by buying ready-made digital products that give you the rights to modify them, sell them, give them for free, put your name on them as the author, etc You can find a variety of PLR products like articles, e-books, software, videos, audio, graphics, etc. For example, you can buy PLR articles, rewrite some parts of them and publish them on your blog, or offer an e-book in your newsletter for free to grow your email list. You can also buy many e-books or a lot of other PLR digital products in bulk at very low prices and later rebrand them and present them as if you were the original author. The last step is to sell them and make a profit from them. In this way, you can create a profitable business. E-books/Products with MRR (Master Resell Rights) and RR (Resell Rights) are giving you similar but limited rights to PLR. Each product gives you a different license for how you can use a product. Check the product license before you use a PLR/MRR/RR product.
Another tip to help you save a lot of money is to use Fiverr, to hire freelancers to rebrand your PLR e-books/digital products.
You can also use Membermouse to create a membership web store for PLR products.
MemberMouse is an easy-to-use WordPress membership plugin that allows you to sell digital and physical products, subscriptions, and memberships. You can set up a password-protected member's area, offer one-click upsells and downsells, manage customers, automate customer service, track critical retention metrics, and much more.
MemberMouse is an enterprise-level membership platform that allows you to quickly and easily manage a membership site or subscription business.
You can use all this free content to promote your affiliate products/services.